Palliative: Awka North Local Govt Council Distributes NEMA Food To Communities


The Transition Committee Chairman of Awka North Local Government Area, Comrade ThankGod Anago, says he will continue to ensure that every palliative meant for Ndi Awka North are evenly distributed at all times.

He made this known when he supervised the distribution of hundreds of bags of Corn and Garri to the ten communities in local government area.

The food palliatives which came from the National Emergency Management Agency, NEMA, through the Anambra State Emergency Management Agency, SEMA, are meant to cushion the harsh effects of the present economic and food crisis on the poorest of the poor and the most vulnerable in the council area.

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Speaking during the exercise, Comrade Anago said that his leadership will continue to galvanize support from the two agencies in bringing relief materials at all times to the people of Awka North Local Government Area.

He urged community leaders in the various communities in the council to ensure that no individual that is supposed to receive the food palliative is shortchanged under any guise.

Comrade Anago appreciated the Governor Chukwuma Soludo-led administration for making sure that the food palliatives meant for Ndi Anambra arrived safely in the state through SEMA, even as he called on the federal government to continue and sustain the food palliatives to cushion the biting hunger in Nigeria.

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The Awka North Mayor called on the people of the area and other residents of the state to keep praying for the current Anambra State Government for it to succeed in building a liveable and prosperous homeland.

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