I cheated today and I regretted it. I had thought I would be faithful to my vow religiously, but human nature had the upper hand and I fumbled. I pray for His grace. A sad experience it was and I pray it won’t happen again. Never again!
Forgiveness is necessary when fidelity is breached. Too bad. Very sad. I beg for forgiveness.
Let me tell the full story of what happened.
I was so happy today( Tuesday) at about 3.30 pm in an eatery for no reason. And I CHEATED. What happened? It was a case of a LONG THROAT.

Just LONG THROAT! Nawaoooo.
I just sat on a seat in the eatery, staring at void; thinking how to start because I had a vow not to cheat; not for religious reasons,but for health. So, I decided to be faithful to my vow.

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After staring at the void for a long time, I summoned courage and called the bar man, Oga Sunny, to make a choice for me. He laughed and left. After about five minutes, he came back and said: “take Gulder”. I said,” bring it”. He brought it and I paid N700. That was at Gelly’s inn, Aroma. The Gulder was of a very bad taste like Neem (Dogoyaro) concoction.

If you have forgotten, I had a vow about four years ago(2020), after a grave sickness, to be drinking 6 bottles of beer in a year, that is one bottle any other month. I took the first bottle for the year 2024 on February 13. The next one would have been on April 13,2024, but human nature failed me and I cheated by taking the beer on 2nd April. I pray it won’t happen again. The next bottle will be in June, likely on June 13. I won’t cheat again. Never again.😄😄😄

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