FOSAD Commiserates with IMSU on the Death of Lecturer, Students in Tragic Accident


It is with deep sorrow and a profound sense of loss that the Forum of South East Academic Doctors (FOSAD) extends heartfelt condolences to the entire Imo State University (IMSU) community following the tragic motor accident at the IMSU junction in Owerri, which claimed the lives of a respected lecturer and several students.

This devastating incident has plunged the university community into mourning, and we, at FOSAD, share in this grief. The loss of young, vibrant students and a dedicated lecturer is a significant blow not only to their families and friends but also to the broader academic community, which they were an integral part of.

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Our thoughts and prayers are with the bereaved families during this incredibly challenging time. We understand that words cannot fully express the sorrow and pain that come with such a sudden and tragic loss. We stand in solidarity with the entire IMSU community, offering our support and comfort in any way possible.

The deceased lecturer identified as Dr Nicholas Isinwa from the Department of Marketing was known for his commitment to academic excellence and his unwavering dedication to nurturing young minds. His untimely departure is a significant loss to the academic world. The students, in the prime of their lives, had promising futures ahead, and their deaths represent a tragic interruption of potential and dreams.

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We urge the authorities to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of students and staff in and around the university premises to prevent such unfortunate incidents in the future. It is crucial that steps are taken to improve road safety and address any hazards that could pose risks to the university community.

In this period of mourning, we encourage everyone to draw strength from one another and to honor the memories of the departed by upholding the values and ideals they stood for.

May the souls of the departed rest in peace, and may their families find solace in the midst of this profound grief.

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Dr Uzor Ngoladi
Secretary General
Forum of South East Academic Doctors (FOSAD)

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