Arrested Abuja online Publisher detained in Enugu


From Maurice Okafor,Enugu.

The whereabouts of Comrade Madu Onuorah, the publisher of Global Upfront online newspaper, who was whisked away from his Abuja residence by policemen on Thursday, May 23, morning is now known. He is being detained at State C.I.D Enugu.

A press statement released by the Enugu state Police Public Relations Officer,PPRO,DSP Dan Ndukwe,said his arrest is based on a written petition alleging defamation by a U.S based Reverend Sister.

The Police statement reads,”The Enugu State Police Command is in receipt of several publications alleging the abduction of an Abuja-based online news publisher, one Madu Onuorah “m”. The Command wishes to state that contrary to the allegations, he was duly arrested in Abuja with the assistance of police operatives from Ebonyi State Command and the aid of intelligence, after efforts made to formally invite him failed.

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“furthermore, his arrest was following the receipt of a written petition to the Commissioner of Police, Enugu State Command, against him over an alleged defamatory publication he made against a US-based Reverend Sister.

“Meanwhile, the Commissioner of Police, CP Kanayo Uzuegbu, psc (+), has ordered the office handling the case to professionally investigate and ensure that justice prevails. He calls on the press family, particularly the leadership and members of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Chapter of the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ), and associates of the suspect, to exercise patience, assuring that the needful will be done in the case”.


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