Plateau Massacre: Military is aware of the identity of the attackers – Kavwam


Stanley Kavwam, deputy national publicity secretary of the Middle Belt Forum, asserts insurgents have sent a letter of an upcoming attack to a community in Plateau state.

Speaking on Thursday during an interview on AriseTV, Kavwam said the terrorists are planning to launch the attack on Pushit community in Mangu LGA on December 29.

Last week, Plateau communities suffered coordinated attacks by gunmen who killed over 100 people and left many others injured and displaced.

Kavwam claimed the military is aware of the identity of the attackers and their hideouts, adding that some communities are still being invaded.

“While I was driving down from Jos to this place, I received a call. A letter was sent to my own village by the terrorists that the attackers were going to invade on the 29th of this December,” he said.

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“All the attacks that were orchestrated, there was a letter to that effect that was dropped by an anonymous person, intimating the residents of Mangu LGA that there would be attacks.”

Commenting on informing security forces of impending attacks, he said over 30 distress calls were made to the personnel before the recent attack in Plateau.

He said most of the communities attacked in Plateau are Christian settlements, adding that the operation usually lasts for about 24 hours without security intervention.


Kavwam said security agencies knew that an attack was coming before the Christmas eve massacre.

“They received about 37 distress calls, that is operation Safe Haven or the Joint Task Force. About 37 distress calls!! Yet nothing was done,” he said.

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“All the casualties that we are talking about are in a community inhabited by Christians and the security forces know the attackers, they even know their hideouts for the two decades.

“They know where they orchestrate the attacks from because that autonomous community called Manga, which is at the foot of Bokkos hills, bordering Wamba in Nasarawa state to the south.

“It’s this autonomous community from where these attacks are orchestrated from, just the same way we have in the Mandara hills in Borno state.

“For instance, the military relocated an entire community of over 11,000 people, leaving the entire Dangoa roads free for the terrorists to operate.

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“Section 14B of the 1999 constitution as amended stipulates that the welfare and security of the people shall be the primary purpose of government.

“These attacks could last for as long as 12 to 24 hours and there is no security presence whatsoever.

“Pushit community in Mangu LGA of Plateau state. A letter was sent today to Pushit that they are going to attack on the 29th.”

He added that despite President Bola Tinubu’s directive to service chiefs to intensify security in the affected communities, “nothing has changed and the attacks are still going on and there is no response from the security authorities”. (Thecable)

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